IIRLR and ICLIP Memories from our Past Presidents
Philippe Cappeliez: The Animated Debates of the 1999 IIRLR Conference
On a personal level, I recall how warmly John welcomed every single “delegate” at the conferences. As if we were all members of his large family. His engaging smile. He was skilled at organizing and enlisting participation. John played a big part in setting up a context of mutual interest, support, and camaraderie...and fun.
I have fond memories of my first conference in NY in 1999. My first meeting with John Kunz, as I said, our shared interest in integrating reminiscence and cognitive-behavior approach, particularly in the intervention on depression. The relatively large group of participants from Japan, around Toyoko Nomura, impressed me. The highlight of that conference for me: the very animated debate on the importance of research in reminiscence and life story work, regarding the question of efficacy of interventions, with Pam Schweitzer giving her counterpoint. The stay at the New Yorker Hotel. The guided walking tour of the Lower East Side.
The atmosphere of this conference was unique and contrasted with that of larger conferences like GSA or APA. Given the limited number of participants and presentations, we were together for most activities for two intense days. This allowed for personal interactions, and development of mutual interest and support across domains of interest and disciplines.
Jeffrey Webster: The Empowerment of Reminiscence Scholarship
"One memory/feeling I can share is my sense of excitement about being invited to the first conference in Wisconsin. I couldn't believe that anyone had even heard of me (I had 1 publication at the time!) and remember being amazed that the ENTIRE conference was to be about reminiscence! The feeling that there was this hidden community of researchers/practitioners who were engaged in, and interested in pursuing, reminiscence work was very empowering. I stayed in student residence (I had no travel funds) the first conference and walked to the center and just seeing 100 people milling about who ALL wanted to talk about the same subject was extremely invigorating. Afterwards, one certainly felt that continuing research in the area would be very rewarding and productive."
Name | Institution Affiliation | Contact |
Heather Baker | heather.baker111@gmail.com | |
Wendy Bancroft | GAB Sessions | wendy@gabsessions.ca |
Patricia Beck | patbeck88@gmail.com | |
Jean-Luc Bourdon | jeanlucbourdon@hotmail.com | |
Cheryl Brohard | University of Houston College of Nursing | cbrohard@uh.edu |
Kimberly Canup | Stetson University | Kcanuo@stetson.edu |
Philippe Cappeliez | University of Ottawa | philippe.cappeliez@uottawa.ca |
John Countryman | Storying Later Life | john@storyinglaterlife.com |
Beatrice Chrystall | Memories Stories Lives | bjchrystall@gmail.com |
Jim Enderle | enderlejim@hotmail.com | |
Esther Gieschen | ||
Susan Hansen | Lehigh Valley Health Network | Susan_E.Hansen@lvhn.org |
Lisa Henkel | Fairfield University | LHenkel@fairfield.edu |
Deena Hitzke | Life Review Publishers LLC | dhitzke@outlook.com |
Patricia Homrighausen | triciaanne@aol.com | |
Reneé B. Johnson | Rbj2040@aol.com | |
Alison Kris | Fairfield University | |
Anthea Mcguigan | Australia | antheamcguigan@outlook.com |
Robin Mintzer | Los Angeles Attachment Study Group | Rmdavis255@aol.com |
Whitney Myers | whitney.myers@gmail.com | |
Takeo Nagasaka | Freelance | tnagasak@hotmail.com |
Sarah Neller | sarah.neller@utah.edu | |
Britta Nielsen | Nielsen Memoirs | Britta.nielsen1234@gmail.com |
Diane Nimmer | Intentional Journeys Legacy Coaching and Consulting | dianenimmer@gmail.com |
Terry Northcutt | Terry Northcutt Ph.D. | tnorthcutt@earthlink.net |
Nicole O’Connor | noconnor@shanachiestudios.com | |
Mimm Patterson | San Mateo Medical Center | mimmpatterson@gmail.com |
Lindy (Hughes) Pfeil | Guided Autobiography Facilitator | lindypfeil.com |
Thomas Pierce | Radford University | tpierce@radford.edu |
Louise Reagan | University of Connecticut | louise.reagan@uconn.edu |
Kathryn Skabo | Life Story Narrative | www.lifestorynarrative.com |
Patty Silvernale | pattysilvernale@gmail.com | |
Donna Sislo | ||
Cindy Soo | Red Dot Mum, Singapore | csoo.sky@gmail.com |
Katie Strong | Central Michigan University | stron4ka@cmich.edu |
Cheryl Svensson | Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies | cheryl.svensson@gmail.com |
Diana Taylor | Los Angeles Attachment Group | dr.diana.taylor@gmail.com |
Galen Tinder | Hunterdon Hospice | galentinder@gmail.com |
Gerben J Westerhof | University of Twente | g.j.westerhof@utwente.nl |
Sarah White | StoryBoard Collaborative | sarah.white@firstpersonprod.com |
Jennifer Whitfield | Whitfield Coaching | Whitfield.jj@gmail.com |
Yuko Yamamoto | yuyama@slcn.ac.jp | |
Loriena Yancura | University of Hawaii of Manoa | loriena@gmail.com |
Student Members
Name | Academic Affiliation | |
Abdallah Abu Khait | UConn Nursing Graduate Student | |
Leah Graf | UConn Nursing Undergraduate Student | |
Gabriella Kelly-Davies | University of Sydney, Australia | |
Madisyn Longdin | UConn Psychology Undergraduate Student | |
Kars Otten | University of Twente, Netherlands | |
Denis Pamauk | Akdeniz University Department of Gerontology | |
Debra Tomasino | UConn Human Development and Family Sciences Graduate Student | |
Yuxuan Yang | UConn Nursing Graduate Student | |
Amy Zipf | UConn Nursing Graduate Student |